Peuker & Nebel mbH

Industriestr. 1, 99427 Weimar

Tel.: 0049 3643 / 74 81-0
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Complex developments

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Coudraystraße 11

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Coudraystraße 11

New teaching and laboratory buildings for civil engineering
Gewerbepark „Fahner Höhe“ Gierstädt

Fahner Höhe industrial park, Gierstädt

Redevelopment of an approx. 27 ha of old industrial site: (connection to the L1027, access roads including lighting, separate sewer system, 2 rainwater storage basins, drinking water network, green and landscape compensatory measures and coordinating rerouting of NS and MS network)
Neuordnung Altstandort Industriebrache Ettersburger Straße Weimar

Redevelopment of brownfield site on Ettersburger Straße, Weimar

Development of GeWuS cooperative residential and senior citizens centre (public and private access roads including lighting, apportionment, relocation and new installation of a drinking water supply system, coordination of new, NS and district heating networks)
Städtebauliche Neuordnung - Innenstadtachse Nordhausen

Urban redevelopment of city centre axis of Nordhausen

Complex development of approx. 1.1 km of city centre roads and squares: renovation of separate sewage system including light liquid separator, replacement drinking water network, community streets and cycle paths; tramway track construction including contact line system, coordinating utility providers and removal of contaminated soil/ soil (rubble from WWII), construction of B 4 intersection - Hallesche Straße/ Bahnhofstraße/ Arnoldstraße (600 m junction system)

Weimar city of culture 1999 - Schillersstraße pedestrian precinct on Theaterplatz

Complex development of approx. 14,000 m2 area: upgrading and improvement of streets (including design of square – paving and slabs, festival grid, renovation of lighting (pole and hanging lamps), implementing measures for protecting urban greenery, coordination of renovation of various utility supply networks