Peuker & Nebel mbH

Industriestr. 1, 99427 Weimar

Tel.: 0049 3643 / 74 81-0
Fax: 0049 3643 / 7481-74

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Concept - Design - Planning – Construction Management

The Peuker and Nebel Engineering Office has been a successful planning and engineering company ever since its establishment in 1990. Our names – Eberhard Peuker (born 1953) and Ulrich Nebel (born 1962) - stand for our commitment. » The Office

Information about Mr Eberhard Peuker

  • Sewage and waste water treatment
    Our engineer's office develops the studies and models used for the preliminary planning of sewer systems. We provide approval-eligible local concepts for ...
  • Complex developments
    Right from the beginning of pre-planning, through planning the approval procedure, tendering and placement of contracts, construction supervision and approval ...
  • Drinking water supply Drinking water supply
    In this area of our expertise, we carry out hydraulic investigations to determine and assess the condition of existing systems. This involves our entire range ...
  • Road construction Road construction
    We offer a complete range of services with regard to transport facilities as required by the client (design, tender offer, placing of contracts, construction ...